My classroom called life…Kingdom lessons

My desire is to abide

The Call January 8, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — charredsmore @ 6:24 am

God is raising up a generation to cry out for mercy and justice, a generation that is in LOVE with Him more than themselves or the world. 

Do you hear the call?


No, we’re not a church…we ARE the church. January 6, 2008

Filed under: Ministry Stuff,Random — charredsmore @ 9:01 pm

 “What is the name of your church?”

“Who is your pastor?”

“What denomination are you with?”

“What church sent you out as missionaries?”

“When does your church meet?”

With all of these questions – from community members, family, friends, ministry partners, I thought I would try to clarify a bit.  We still wonder sometimes what the Lord is doing with us.

-We are not a church or a cult. (some people may think so because of lack of definition)

-We are a group of people that live in community and desire to love Jesus and others (as the Acts church)

-We do meet to pray and worship (5 days out of the week).  Amazing right?  Part of my job description is spending time with my Lord.

-We do invite community members (Cairo and the extending region) to participate in worship.  Our doors are never closed.

-No we don’t live in the Old St. Joe’s School, (TR office) we live in houses (yes, we have had this question by many community members).

-We do Bible study together as a staff team.

-We do have a prayer room.

-We worship and lead worship for others as the Lord opens doors to travel.

-We are have not been “sent out” by a church or denomination. We are not a “church plant.”

-We do not claim one denomination, although we do have convictions from the Word of God that exist in our guidelines (thanks to strategic planning – bless you Ron Duncan).

-We do not take tithes in our services, but if the Lord leads you to give a donation to our ministry we won’t turn it down.  In fact, we are all living on faith right now.  Thanks for preparing us for this step Lord.  I never thought I would do this or even want to.

-We don’t have a pastor in the “traditional” sense, but we do have Gary as our Director, Ministry Leader, Shepherd, Dad, Brother, and Friend.  Thanks for being amazing Gary (and Sharon).

-We are “multidimensional” and seek to see Christ’s body united.  No, not everyone in one church, but united in Spirit. 

-We seek to bring the love of Christ beyond our prayer room while we do compassionate outreach, Bible study, Elmwood outreach (housing project), children’s ministry…

-We are not about programs, although we seek God for opportunities to serve, minister, and speak about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in love.

Hope this helps bring some definition to who we are as Two Rivers Ministry.

Thanks for serving along with us.  We are so thankful for our families, friends, community, and ministry partners. 


Dream with me

Filed under: Dreams — charredsmore @ 7:32 am

Before ringing in the new year, I was pleasanly surprised with how the Lord reminded me of many dreams I have.  My friends just laugh at me when I add another thing I want to do “on the side.”  My life will be filled with these little (sometimes big) projects that are “on the side.”

 My focus is Jesus.  He is the air I breathe.  No, He is never “on the side.”

 Okay, here we go…just a warning, you may be overwhelmed with this list.  That’s okay, I’m not, and I don’t think God is either.  I pray that He would have His way in my life and refine those passions and ambitions that are NOT from Him.  Not in any particluar order, and definitly not a new years resolution list or even a list for 2008.  This is more like a list of random pursuits that I would like to entertain in my lifetime (or in the Kingdom?!?).

1.  Love Jesus with all of my spirit, soul, and body. 

2.  Grow deeply in my relationship with Him through prayer, Bible reading, fellowship, service, and outreach.

3.  Financial freedom – for myself and teaching others (without judgement – yikes).

4.  Message Therapy (this will hopefully start soon with the community college as I take classes at night.  Praying for a scholarship. 

5.  Leading worship – vocals + guitar.  Learning guitar (thanks to Sara the patient teacher).

6.  Write song lyrics.

7.  Create a CD with original songs and guest singers – a new sound.  Misty Edwards meets Rap.  What?  Yeah sounds fun to me.

8.  Make millions to re-distribute to Kingdom endevors (especially overseas).

9.  Entrepenurial Ventures…creating businesses for people to be equipped and mobilized in skills and their giftings, provide opportinitues for those usually oppressed (Cairo and beyond).  Askining the Lord for that Paul Bertleson anointing! 

10.  Own a house in Kansas City, MO and San Jose, CA (or somewhere in Cali.) to rent out to young adults being trained up as prayer missionaries and mobilized in their giftings.

11.  Real Estate (on the side of course. haha)

12.  Create a musical (with a team) that communicates the gospel and Christ centered values without being cheesey.  Be involved with singing, dancing, and directing. 

13.  Interede for businesses – marketplace Christianity is yeilding much fruit and I would love to be a part of it.

14.  Adopt children from the nations. – Yes, Christi, my family will be a beautiful tribe of children from all around the world.  I love it!

15.  Take foster care classes and be a part of this ministry to elementary age children and perhaps teens.

16.  Write books.

17.  Be a part of releasing LOTS of resources to people.  I don’t care what it is.  Just get it out there to people – jackets, food, clothes, cars, teaching materials, books, Bibles. 

18.  Somehow be a part of outdoor ministry to teens that struggle with “inner-city” type issues.  Bring them into an experience where they have an opportunity to interact with their Creator and learn about themself in the process.

19.  Healing ministry – emotional and physical.

20.  Destiny releaser – praying over people in line with God’s heart.

21.  Mobilizing people to go to the Nations with the love and truth about Christ and His Kingdom.

22.  Be a part of washing the feet of my “enemies” (how, where…not sure).  God prepare me for this one. 

23.  Create prophetic art – to be put on a t-shirt or whatever.  Graphic designs with scripture.  (I have my first one almost finished!)

24.  Be a part of a dance team that travels with a rap group (Christian).

25.  Create businesses where 100% of the profit goes to specific ministries (investing in the harvest).

26.  Take people out on mission trips overseas who have never been.  The least likely candidates to go on a mission trip…recovering alcoholics, ex-prostitutes, poor people, empty nesters, children.  Give them an opportunity to serve beyond their community walls.

27.  Become a certified Personal Trainer and own a gym of sorts for wholistic health (maybe partner with Ramon on this one?!).

That’s all for now…

What are your dreams? 


Learning how to die January 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — charredsmore @ 3:23 am

(I wrote this Jan. 16, 2007)

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to give.  Really.  Do you ever feel that all you have is worthless?  Dust.  Nothing.  

Without Christ I am NOTHING. 

Now, on the other hand, with Him I am everything.  He calls me a priest, a beacon of light, an ambassador, I carry the living God within my flesh.  It is difficult to understand how this dichotomy works. 

I am nothing; He has given me all things that equip me for godliness.  I am returning to dust, He has given me His living Spirit.  I can do nothing of worth for the Kingdom; He has clothed me with power to do greater things than Christ (John 16). 

The secret I have found is only finding security in who HE is, not in who I am.  For I was nothing, I was worthless, I was destined for hell and He found me!  He found me!  What an amazing revelation.  The King of Glory calls me His own.  The Mighty One who is altogether Beautiful and Terrifying calls me His Daughter and Bride.  My life is hidden in this Man.

Who is He to redeem such a broken person?  A broken family?  A broken nation?  A broken world?  Who are you Lord to love like this?  Your Love truly is better than life. 

Thank you for lifting the veil from my eyes


Sick of living safe

Filed under: Uncategorized — charredsmore @ 3:22 am

(I wrote this Jan. 27, 2007)

Walking in the authority Jesus has given me.  Do I live in this reality?  Do I believe it?  Do I expect it?  lion.jpg

John 14
Jesus tells us He must go to the Father and will send us the Holy Spirit.  Through this Holy Spirit we are to do what Jesus had been doing and even GREATER things.  What?  Jesus healed the leper, drove out demons, multiplied food, made wine out of water, even raised the dead.  Jesus is not a liar.  He would not say these words unless they were true for us. 

I can not deny that I have a burning desire deep within me to be a part of these miraculous things, these Kingdom works.  There is a longing for more within my heart.  This longing must have been placed in me by my Maker.  I have come to the conclusion that we were made for so much more.  Will we believe it?  Will we walk in it? 

Chronicles of Narnia (movie quote):
Mr. Tumnus: [of Aslan] He’s not a tame lion.
Lucy Pevensie: No… but he’s good.

Our King is not tame, but He sure is good.  He is not safe, but who wants to live safe anyway?  A pastor shared his heart last night:  “Everything in my life is safe.  I am sick of living safe.  Since when was the gospel safe?  Look at the lives of the disciples, they weren’t living safe.  This kind of life is not for the faint of heart, but for the crucified of heart.”

What does your heart ask of Him?  What are you longing for, but afraid to ask.  Do not fear.  His perfect love drives out fear.  I am curious to know your thoughts…have you pondered these things?  Have you seen these things?  Have you looked into these greater things Jesus spoke of almost 2,000 years ago?  Does your heart long for His Kingdom to come?

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”

-Luke 12:32


Here’s another random one January 3, 2008

Filed under: Ministry Stuff,Power of Prayer,Random — charredsmore @ 2:21 pm


So lately I am full of stories. 

It’s fun.  I like talking about the random things God does in my life.

 So tonight, Stacy, Jesse and I drove out to Carbondale after having a bit of a prayer session over their vehicles.  Problems.  Jesse and Melissa are having car issues, and I need a car.  So, we had a little prayer session in the parking lot of Two Rivers – over the cars.  Some of you may be  we are ridiculous, that’s okay.  Sometimes I think so too!

Anyway, afterwards we headed out to Carbondale (50 minute drive) to get Jesse a different car to drive.  We had a great dinner with his mom at a Mexican restaurant and then went to rent a movie.  I am glad Jesse chose Hollywood Video (Random fact:  Family Video sells porn and Hollywood Video does not – what’s up with that?).  While in the store we get to chatting with one of the workers there – A.  He seems to have a great character and a kind heart.  Somehow we get to talking about God and heaven/hell that kind of stuff.  It just creeps into the conversation, right.  Turns out that he is agnostic, but perhaps on his way to searching for more. 

A. totally let us pray with him while he was at work.  I kept picturing him rapping, but I didn’t want to be the white girl suggesting the stereotypical thing – “black rapper guy”, so I asked if he sang.  He said no, but he used to.  Then I asked if he rapped, and he said no, not in a while.  There was something there.  He ended up telling us very specific reasons why he no longer raps.  His brother got shot in the face when they were on their way for some type of audition of sorts and now he has set this gift aside, despite the fact that his bro still raps.  I really felt like the Lord wanted me to tell him that he WOULD be rapping again, but that it would be a righteous sound for the Lord. 

Oh, I can’t wait to hear those beats and lyrics. 

Seriously, with all of this praying for musical artists…God is up to something in the realm of worship.  No more cheesy Christian stuff…or at least there will be more options…more anointing.

I hope so.

Thanks for reading about my random interactions.


Peaches and Herb. January 2, 2008

Filed under: Ministry Stuff,Power of Prayer,Travel — charredsmore @ 9:50 pm

Totally prayed with them at the Marriot lobby in KC.

Peaches and Herb (band) were doing a New Years Eve Concert in Kansas City at the Civic Center. 

I felt bad that at the time I really didn’t know who they were, but later looked them up on You Tube. 

<a href=”” mce_href

When I was in high school my dance studio did a routine to this song.  “Shake your Grove Thing”

 They also sing, “Don’t rock the Boat”

God is really funny.


Justice Loves Babies

Filed under: artwork,Ministry Spotlight,Travel — charredsmore @ 9:29 pm


Check out this new book written by two amazing women…Justice Loves Babies
written by Darlene and Danielle Wibeto

Their desire is to see a youth movement raise up-loving the unborn. 
Praying to end abortion.

They were part of our “church” in Starbucks.

We were able to pray with them about this book coming out and the impact it will have on the generations.

PS They are from San Jose – so that’s fun.

Justice Loves Babies


Divine Appointments

Oh my word!  Where do I begin.  I was able to meet so many wonderful people while traveling from IL to WI and back again. 

 -It began with my car accident/miracle….

-Hospital visit – prayed with a wonderful family that is filled with hope for the healing of their husband/father (cancer).  I trust the Lord can heal him.

Greyhound –

-Met a pastors kid who is totally returning to the Lord with all of His heart.  Were able to pray with him, and even caught a cab with him to get to my sisters house in St. Paul.  Oh-yeah, the cab driver and I have a mutual friend – he is the founder of the Eritrean community. 

-Church outside the walls!
– Yeah, we totally did church in the Greyhound station.  Over 80 people were stranded in MPLS and had to spend the night in the station because the weather was so bad.  I heard the Lord say, “Play your guitar and I will come.”  Man, I am not good, I just started playing, I don’t want an audience, I just want to worship.  STill felt the Lord ask me to take this step of faith.  Here goes.  STarted playing and some people gathered around. One man gave me a dollar.  Ha!  One chick comes near asking if she can video tape me, “It is so beautiful!”  WHat?!? 
-Believers start gathering.  We start getting to know each other, worshipping, praying, ministering to others…it is good.  Church in the Greyhound station. 

-On the bus ride I had an amazing conversation with a King.  See him with God’s perspective and not the flesh, he IS a King.  What a life story – he had just came back from Arizona after two years and now is returning to his home town in La Crosse (where I went to college – see the connection).  He should write a book with all of his stories.  He has been near death and around the “wrong crowd” for a while.  He has a strong convictions, goals, aspirations and WILL be the man God has created him to be.  This hard core guy even let me pray over him.  Praise God for divine appointments.

The reminder of God’s hand on my life
– A man named Emmanuel (God with us) was also taking the Greyhound from Des Monies to MPLS with his adorable son, Otis.  Otis (2 yrs) was a little shy at first, by the end of the night we were having a good time laughing and playing around.

-Met a brother at the station who works there but in his heart asks the Lord when he can be a missionary.  I was telling my miracle story and his eyes lit up when he heard I was a missionary.  What a sweet brother. I think he will be coming to Cairo for a visit.

-This might seem insignificant to you, but I have had a bunch of confirmation for my trip traveling to Cali. (San Fran, San Jose, Redding) for some ministry connections/writing conference…

-Dreams about San Jose (when I didn’t even know where the city was in Cali)

-Met father/son team at the bus station going to San Jose to visit their mom.

-A little boy on the bus is named Jose.

-The man helping with my stuff in the elevator in St. Paul, Jose. 

-Met twin girls at One Thing who just completed a book Justice Loves Babies, stirring the hearts of the youth to pray to end abortion (communicated with sensitivity and love).  Guess where they are from?  San Jose.  And wait, I am going to Cali for a WRITING conference.

-The man pumping his gas has Cali. plates, so I thought it would be fun to talk to him. His daughter lives in San Jose.

-Met a guy at the Springfield church who was attending church in San Jose…looked it up on-line and Benny Hinn will be there at the same time I am there.  Hope I get to pray for him.

-Met some women from Redding.

-Could there be anymore confirmation? 

-Church in the Greyhound was just the beginning.  We did church in Starbucks in Kansas City, MO.  Adam (new friend) had brought communion elements with him, so we gathered a group and remembered our Lord.

-Met some people from BLaine, MN area who are working with this church that is experiencing major revival.  They have not stopped gathering for 14 months -EVERY night!  PTL

-Got to pray with MANY new friends. I love it!

-Prayed with some sweet younger people – Ivy, Nick, Brittney…living in Rochester.  THey totally want to come visit Cairo!

-Met a man who has been having dreams about ministering to people in Hollywood, people have prophesied this over him, he is also a talented, no anointed rap artist.  We had a sweet time of fellowship and prayer.  Hopefully he too will come to Cairo. 

-I got to pray over Misty Edwards in the hallway of Bartle Hall.  People were all over trying to get her autograph and she was very kind and humble.  I ask if we can pray over her.  Yes!  Okay, here we go.  We blessed her and asked for her anointing in worship to be given out to this generation. 

-I prayed with a band member of Peaches and Herb (that’s okay, I didn’t know who they were either), an R and B band that played at the KC COnvention Center.  I had a short conversation with one of the members and flat out asked him if he was a Christian.  Yes.  I asked if it was not just a Sunday thing.  Yes. Okay, can I pray over you, that the Lord would release a new song, a song from heaven?  Yes. 

-Prayed with some brothers and sisters who are starting a HOP (House of PRayer) in Washington DC.  Talk about resistance from the enemy….pray for them please. 

-Ran into some of my Mozambican brothers.  Yes!  All the way from Mozambique to Kansas City.  Three of them are staying in TX for a bit while recording a new CD.  Amazing! 

-Met a wonderful couple from TX who have begun ministering to the children.  The husband was an Episcopal Priest…he was the one who administered communion in the Starbucks!

I’ll have to write more later…that’s all for now.


My new favorite song

Filed under: Uncategorized — charredsmore @ 8:54 pm

Misty Edwards


Love it.

<a href=”“>